As for the other OASES modules, filenames are passed to OASS via environmental parameters. In Unix systems a typical script file oass (in $HOME/oases/bin) is:
# the number sign invokes the C-shell setenv FOR001 $1.dat # input file setenv FOR019 $1.plp # plot parameter file setenv FOR020 $1.plt # plot data file setenv FOR028 $1.cdr # contour plot parameter file setenv FOR029 $1.bdr # contour plot data file setenv FOR045 $2.rhs # rough boundary operator input file setenv FOR016 $1.xsm # covariance matrices oass2 # executableTo compute the coherent reflection coefficient and the scattering kernels for the rough granite halspace problem above, use the commands:
> oasr dacol-rhs
> oass dacol-sca dacol-rhs
To run the ARSRP cases described above, use the following commands: > oast arsrp-mean
> oass arsrp arsrp-mean