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This option (Field 14) produces snap shots of the field in the form of
contours vs range and depth.
* 1. Plot title: TEMME-MULLER. Auto f. *
* 2. Range left: 0.000 km *
* 3. Range right: 0.600 km *
* 4. Range tick inc: 0.100 km *
* 5. R-axis length: 20.000 cm *
* 6. Depth down: 600.000 m *
* 7. Depth up: 0.000 m *
* 8. Depth tick inc: 100.000 m *
* 9. D-axis length: 12.000 cm *
* 10. Time,frst frame: 0.000 s *
* 11. Time,last frame: 0.000 s *
* 12. Number of frames 0 ( 1 - 99 ) *
* 13. Max. level: -99.000 *
* 14. Norm. exp.: -99 ( -99 - 99 ) *
* 15. No. contours: 0 ( 1 - 21 ) *
* 16. Undef. file: *
* 17. Shade file: *
* 18. Parameter: V ( V H ) *
* 19. Range scaling? N ( Y/N ) *
* 20. Generate plot: *
* 21. return: ( PP main menu ) *
The menu should be self explanatory for users familiar with
SAFARI, with only the following being particular to PP:
- Field 10
- specifies the time in seconds of the first snapshot
produced. This will also be the trace used for the automatic scaling
invoked by fields 13 and 14.
- Field 11
- specifies the time in seconds of the last snapshot.
- Field 12
- specifies the number of snapshots produced
equidistantly for the selected time interval.
- Field 13
- Is used to set the maximum level
for the
contours. The interval
will be
equidistantly covered by the number of contours specified in Field 13.
- Field 14
- Here the logarithm of the scaling factor is specified.
If -99 is specified the exponent will be selected automatically based on the
snap-shot data. Usually the first snap-shot is made with automatic
scaling, whereas the rest are produced with the so determined
exponent. The automatic scaling will also suggest a value of
in Field 11, which may of course be changed by the user if
- Field 15
- Number of contour levels applied for snapshots. For
UNIRAS colour plots this number should not be more that 12. UNIRAS is
selected by specifying the contour options UNI,X11,COL in
Field 8 of the main menu (X11 selects X-windows as device).
- Field 16
- Name of a file containing a binary map of undefined
- Field 17
- Name of file containing the coordinates of an optional
shaded polygon superimposed to the snap-shot. Used for shading bottom
or objects. The file format is the standard shading specification used
in the cdr files providing plot parameters to cplot.
- Field 18
- represents the parameter to be plotted, consistent
with the options specified in the OASP data file, i.e. with N
representing the normal stress or negative pressure in
fluids, V the vertical particle velocity and H the
horizontal particle velocity etc.
- Field 19
- a 'Y' here applies a linear scaling of the snapshots
with horizontal range, similar to the range scaling in the
range-stacked plots. This is useful for animations of
near-field problems with significant geometric spreading.
- Field 20
- produces the contour plots with the specified parameters.
- Field 21
- Returns to main menu for change of e.g. source data,
plot format etc.
Next: Graphics Post-Processors
Up: PP - The OASES
Previous: Transmission Loss Plots
henrik schmidt