In addition to generating timeseries through the two-step procedure, OASP may be used for generating the complex CW field over a rectangular grid in range and depth. Here it is important to note that when OASP is used with option 'O' or with automatic sampling enabled, the transfer functions are computed for complex frequencies. Complex frequency corresponds to applying a time-domain damping which cannot be directly compensated for in the transfer functions. However, real frequencies can be forced in automatic sampling mode by using option 'J' (Version 2.1 and later).
Also, in version 2.1 and later, the postprocessor PP has been expanded with a transmission loss option which converts the transfer function to transmission losses plotted in the standard OAST forms of TL vs range or depth-range contours. Here it is obviously important to use option 'J' together with the automatic sampling. Otherwize the losses will be overestimated. Also note that the automatic sampling works differently from OAST's. Thus, OASP will use the selected time window to select a wavenumber sampling which eliminates time-domain wrap-around. This feature may actually be used for convergence tests, by systematically increasing the time window to allow reduced wavenumber sampling.