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Execution of OASP3D

As for SAFARI, filenames are passed to the code via environmental parameters. In Unix systems a typical command file oasp3 (in $HOME/oases/bin) is:

    #                            the number sign invokes the C-shell 
    setenv FOR001 $1.dat       # input file 
    setenv FOR002 $1.src       # Source array input file
    setenv FOR019 $1.plp       # plot parameter file
    setenv FOR020 $1.plt       # plot data file  
    setenv FOR028 $1.cdr       # contour plot parameter file 
    setenv FOR029 $1.bdr       # contour plot data file 
    oasp3d                     # executable

After preparing a data file with the name input.dat, OAST is executed by the command:

oasp3 input

henrik schmidt