SNAP: SACLANTCEN Normal Mode Acoustic Propagation Model
SUPERSNAP is a Normal Mode Propagation model developed at SACLANT
Undersea Research Centre (now Nato Undersea Research Centre [NURC]).
The version distributed by MIT has been modified for implementation on
Unix platforms by
H. Schmidt. This version has been made highly compatible with
OASES, both in terms of installation and graphics post-processing.
Latest SUPERSNAP Release: Version 2.1 - 13 Aug 1997
How to get the MIT SUPERSNAP Package
SUPERSNAP is linked to the OASES graphics packages using the MINDIS
library or PLOTMTV. Therefore, installation of the OASES export
package should be completed before attempting installation of SUPERSNAP.
SUPERSNAP distribution is available from the MIT OE Acoustics Group site in two compressed formats:
Download either of these two files to your root directory $HOME, and issue the command
> gunzip -c snap.tar.gz | tar xvf -
which will generate the Snap directory structure. To install, simply issue the commands
> cd Snap
> make all
The SUPERSNAP executable is by default placed in the OASES bin
directory, and it is assumed that OASES is installed with the default
root $HOME/oases. If your desired setup is different, change
Snap/Makefile accordingly. Note that the Makefile has the same
hard-/software-detecting structure as in OASES, directly supporting
DEC, SUN, SGI, and PC Linux platforms.
The SUPERSNAP export package includes sample data files in the
Snap/tloss and Snap/pulse directories.
The execution of SUPERSNAP is OASES-like, for example for the ASA
ideal wedge benchmark:
> cd ~/Snap/tloss
> snap b100
> mplot b100
It should be noted that PLOTMTV cannot currently be applied for the
SUPERSNAP line plots. The default MINDIS package does, however.
An example of generating contour plots is
> cd ~/Snap/tloss
> snap munk_tl
> cplot munk_tl
cplot uses MINDIS for generating the contour plots unless PLOTMTV
raster contours is selected through the environmental variable:
> setenv CON_PACKGE mtv
SUPERSNAP is also compatible with the OASES PP pulse-postprocessor for
broadband time series computation. An example of its use is
> cd ~/Snap/pulse
> snap pulse
This generates the transfer function file pulse_SD00300.trf which is
directly compatible with PP.
> pp
For pp, PLOTMTV can be used for timeseries plots by setting an
environmental variable:
> setenv PLP_PACKGE mtv
User Manual
F.B.Jensen, M.C.Ferla. SNAP: The SACLANTCEN Normal-Mode Acoustic Propagation
Model. SACLANTCEN Memorandum
SM-121, Jan. 1979. SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia.
F.B. Jensen, W.A. Kuperman, M.B. Porter, and H. Schmidt. Computational Ocean Acoustics.
American Institute of Physics, New York, 1994.
C.M.Ferla, M.B.Porter, F.B.Jensen. C-SNAP: Coupled SACLANTCEN normal mode propagation loss model.
SACLANTCEN Memorandum SM-274, Dec. 1993. SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia.
M.B.Porter. The KRAKEN normal mode program. SACLANTCEN Memorandum SM-245,
Sep. 1991. SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia.
Henrik Schmidt /