As for the other OASES modules, filenames are passed to OASM via environmental parameters. In Unix systems a typical command file mfp (in $HOME/oases/bin) is:
# the number sign invokes the C-shell setenv FOR001 $1.dat # input file setenv FOR013 $2.rpo # signal replicas setenv FOR015 $3.xsm # covariance matrices setenv FOR019 $3.plp # plot parameter file setenv FOR020 $3.plt # plot data file setenv FOR028 $3.cdr # contour plot parameter file setenv FOR029 $3.bdr # contour plot data file mfp2_bin
After preparing a data file with the name input.dat, mfp is executed by the command:
mfp input repinput covinput
The files repinput and covinput are the input replica and covariance matrix files, respectively. These files
must be written in the formats described in Sec. 11.4.2
and Sec. 11.4.1, respectively. The file headers are checked
for consistency with the input file in terms of frequencies, replica
space and number of sensors in the array. The element positions in the
array do not have to be consistent, allowing for simulation of array
geometry mismatch.