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OASM: Matched Field Processing Module

The OASES-MFP module is a post-processor used in connection with OASN or OASI to perform traditional or advanced signal processing on either real or synthetic fields on arbitrary 3-dimensional arrays of hydrophones and/or geophones.

MFP has built-in traditional plane wave replicas, but will accept any precomputed replicas in the file format described in Section 11.4.2, including Green's function replicas for matched field processing.

In terms of beamformers, OASES-MFP is modular and currently includes 4 built-in algorithms, including the conventional Bartlett, and adaptive beamformers such as MLM and MCM.

The ambiguity functions are output as curve plots (displayed by mplot) vs angle for the plane wave replicas, or for 2-dimensional plane wave beamforming (bearing and pitch) in the form of contour plots (displayed by cplot). For matched field replicas MFP produces contour plots of the ambiguty function in vertical or horizontal planes. The SAFARI-PEST predecessor of OASES-MFP was used for generating all ambiguity functions in Refs. [13,14], and OASES-MFP was used in combination with OASN to produce those in Chap. 10 of Ref. [3].

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henrik schmidt