PP has a set of built-in source pulses, selected in Field 2 of the PP main menu. Types 1 to 5 are those available in SAFARI [4].
Type 6 is a new pulse type. It is generated as a Hanning windowed sine wave with a duration corresponding to the bandwidth of the transfer function in the trf-file. This source pulse minimizes artificial ringing of the response due to the truncation of the transfer function and is the recommended pulse type for narrow band propagation problems.
Type -1 yields the band-limited impulse response by simply eliminating the source pulse convolution. To reduce truncation ringing the transfer function is Hermite-extrapolated before being Fourier transformed.
Type 0 lets the user input his own pulse shape. The source pulse should be defined in an ASCII file in the following format:
t0 | p0 |
t1 | p1 |
t2 | p2 |
t3 | p3 |
: | : |
: | : |
tn | pn |
where ti is the time in seconds and pi is the corresponding source pulse amplitude. The time sampling does not have to be equidistant, and the file needs only contain the actual length of the source pulse. PP will use interpolation and zero-padding to conform with the time window and sampling defined by the trf-file. The name of the source file is specified in Field 3 of the main menu.