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Trace file format

All timeseries submenues include the option of creating trace files, rather than the scaled plot files, for post-processing. A generic ASCII file format is the default, while the other formats represent site-specific costumizations. Thus, for example (G chooses the GLD format used extensively in the past by MIT/WHOI. As the latest addition (Version 2.2 and higher) the trace files may be generated directly in MATLAB-5©format (M). The matlab_util sub-directory contains a sample MATLAB script, pp_matreader.m , for reading the files. All file formats include a header identifying the traces. Thus, for example, the ASCII file has a master header with information etc., and a sub-header for each trace with depth, range etc. The data for each trace then follow sequencially:

TEMME-MULLER. Auto f.                                                   
           V          # Parameter
           1          # Number of planes
          23          # Number of traces
        1001          # Number of samples/trace
    1000.00           # Sampling frequency in Hz

    600.000           # Range (m)
    50.0000           # Depth (m)
   0.000000E+00       # Bearing (deg)
   0.000000E+00       # Starting time (sec)
  -0.366703E-08  -0.292363E-08  -0.200186E-08  -0.977132E-09   0.445733E-10
   0.947549E-09   0.163239E-08   0.203979E-08   0.216378E-08   0.205015E-08
   0.253403E-06   0.303194E-06   0.327134E-06   0.318899E-06   0.278182E-06

    600.000           # Range (m)
    75.0000           # Depth (m)
   0.000000E+00       # Bearing (deg)
   0.000000E+00       # Starting time (sec)
   0.371295E-08   0.323503E-08   0.249180E-08   0.154489E-08   0.474728E-09

Field 16 and 17 control the plot format for all timeseries plots and trace outputs. IF 'Y' is selected in field 16, all timeseries will be demodulated by the centre frequency to generate the magnitude complex signal envelope. If in addition 'Log traces' is chosen in field 17, the magnitude envelopes will be plotted or output in dB. This option is particularly useful when large dynamic range is needed, such as for reverberation simulations using OASSP.

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henrik schmidt