Laboratory for Undersea Remote Sensing
The Lab is located on the second floor of building
5, in room 229.
Laboratory for Undersea Remote Sensing
Room 5-229
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
phone: 617-253-9484
Some Current Research Areas:
Ocean exploration, undersea remote sensing of marine life and geophysical phenomena,
wave propagation and scattering theory in remote sensing through random media
and waveguides, statistical estimation and information theory in sensing, linear
and nonlinear acoustics and seismics, Europa exploration.
Bose Research Fellowship to Study Early Musical Instruments

Violin Program at the North Bennet Street School, Makris far right, Roman Barnas second from right.
Future of New England Fisheries

Senator Kerry, Prof. Makris, Prof. Ratilal and other State and Regional officials dicussing the use of OAWRSfor the future of New England fisheries.

- Fish Population and Behavior Revealed by Instantaneous Continental-Shelf-Scale
(link to Science paper and movies is on Prof.
Makris' home page)
OAWRS 2006 Gulf of Maine Experiment Marine Mammal Acoustics
- Thousands of whale vocalizations were recorded during the OAWRS
2006 Gulf of Maine Experiment. Hundreds of Humpback whale
vocalizations were recorded each day. The OAWRS towed array
was used to passively locate the whales, most of which were
found to be near the northern flank of Georges Bank. Preliminary
results are presented at the Fall 2010 Meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America in
Europa Exploration
Transmission of Sound Through A Random Ocean Waveguide
Hurricane Classification Using Underwater Sound
Long-range Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS)
Instantaneous Passive Localization of Acoustics Sources in an Ocean
Scattering from Objects in an Ocean Waveguide
Statistical Estimation and Information Theory in Sensing
Collaborator: Prof.
Purnima Ratilal, Northeastern University
last updated:8.5.22 webmaster